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简思怀 女士
主评奖项: 最佳校园招聘典范
前程无忧高级副总裁。简思怀是英国Profit Ability 公司授权讲师,前程无忧创始人之一。之前,她是贝恩国际策略顾问公司的高级顾问,具有丰富的国际金融机构从业经验和多年的培训讲师经验,曾在全球著名的"Associate Consultant Recruiting Program "中担任资深导师。简思怀以优异的成绩获得加州伯克利大学商学院MBA 学位,并拥有美国麻省理工学院经济学学士学位。曾被评选为“中国十佳企业培训师”。 |
Kathleen Chien joined 51job in 1999 and is Chief Financial Officer and a Senior Vice President. Prior to joining 51job, Ms. Chien worked in the management consulting and financial services industries. During her three-year tenure at Bain & Company, Ms. Chien consulted a number of companies on strategic and marketing issues, including entry into the Chinese market and achieving cost and operational efficiencies. In two years at Capital Securities Corp., a leading investment bank in Taiwan, Ms. Chien completed a number of equity and equity-linked transactions, including the first ever Swiss-franc convertible bond issuance out of Taiwan. Ms. Chien received her Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her MBA from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. |